Well that’s 1 question m sure all the guys want an answer 2. Hey c’mon that’s no brain teaser. All girls want is 4 guys to understand them. Is that too much to ask 4? I mean well…yea girls are a lil complicated n they usually don mean wat they say. They never speak their mind; instead expect guys to read wats on their mind. Confused…. Hmmm…..Alright here r the “Girl Commandments” 4 all the despo guys out there ( N for the record all guys r despos).
  1. When u ask her for her number, she badly wants u to have it. But she’s gonna refuse…That’s coz she doesn’t want to sound too available.
  2. She has this inborn talent of being sarcastic. U can either choose to ignore it or to live wit it.
  3. She loves to bargain. She might nt even intend at buying it, but she’s gonna bargain anyway. Chill guys…m sure u have bigger problems in life.
  4. If ur out on a date wit her, its alright to look at other females…C’mon we all knw guys r guys. Just don let her knw ur staring at the wrong places.
  5. When she says everything’s alright, wat she really means is that there’s a terrible problem. She just wants u to keep asking.
  6. N guys hw can u’ll expect her to answer in a “Yes” or “No”. I mean there’s so much more to b explained. Plzz don hav such Great Expectations.
  7. Girls hav gr8 memory. So in a fight if she reminds u abt something that happened 2 yrs bak, it still counts for a fight. N an added piece of info is that gifts after a fight always work…Its technically called bribing…But don worry; she’ll settle for that
  8. If ur 1 of those cheesy pik-up-lines kinda guy, then for heavens sake stay away. “Do u believe in luv at first sight or shud I walk by again”. Yucckkkk….
  9. Even if u hate the parrot green dress she’s wearing…say u love it.
  10. She loves to b pampered. So like it is said traditionally, do it wit chocolates or flowers or chweet messages. The lil things have the maximum effect.
  11. If ur expecting her to b dressed like some Victoria’s Secret girl then that’s way too much of expectation.
  12. She needs 100% attention. So if ur busy or whatever, u better receive that call. On the contrary if her ph is on voice mail, u gotta understand she’s busy. Huh…Give the girl a break.
  13. She hates messy rooms. M sure u can giv ur room a lil cleaning treat. Let it look like a place where humans can reside instead of the usual jungle look.
  14. Her handbag is always full of so many things that wen the mobile goes tring tring….it takes her a minimum of 100 seconds to gt it out. Its nt her mistake. It’s the handbag manufacturers who have so many zips here n there. So don freak out.
  15. If u smoke or drink don boast abt it trying to impress her. Gt a reality chek.
  16. N finally even if she is telling u abt her Dads brothers’ wife’s uncles sons nephew…listen to her like that’s the most interesting story u’ve ever heard.

I knw most of it is nt fair at all. But who said life’s fair. U r the one who wanted to knw wat girls want. So there u have it.


Though I’ve published a page long article, wen I started typing I wasn’t too sure if I shud b writing this. M still nt sure. That’s coz this is an article that’s closest to my heart. I hav mentioned a few things abt my frnds. I want those frnds to knw that I’ve written this nt to make a point or to put u’ll down or to gain sympathy, but simply coz that’s hw I feel. Hope u’ll understand. I donno who all will b reading this, but ppl who do will gt to c another side of me…the side thats nt happy-go-lucky all the time.

Yepp, I am fat….maybe obese. It’s physically tiring to live in this body. It’s nt like m handicapped or dependent or something. But to b honest it is difficult. I gt tired real soon. I like to laze around instead of going out n enjoying. Yet my spirits r high n though I may have a bad day once in a while, I make it a point to enjoy the following day like there’s no tomorrow. But it’s nt the physical stress that worries me. I workout 2 hrs in the gym regularly n spend another 1 hr swimming. So I do intend to lose weight (though I must mention that it’s turning out to b an extremely slow process). So like I was saying its nt the physical stress that worries me, but the mental n emotional strain. Wooof….that’s killing…I’ve been overweight since the time I can remember. Wen I was a kid ppl wud find me chubby n sweet. But as I grew older I realized that I wasn’t all that sweet anymore.

If ur nt fat, u have no clue wat its like to hear comments everyday. As a kid I wud b teased in skool. I was the “Baby Elephant” of my class. Huh….rt…if u think its no big deal, ask me. Its nt very nice to b called a “fatass”, “moti”, “godzilla”, “mammoth” n well a zillion other things. Never understood y ppl did that. I never got to terms wit hw teasing me n putting me down gave them some sort of sadistic pleasure. I never wanted to b a beautiful princess. I just wanted to b normal. But I was never allowed to feel that way. I was always supposed to feel like a gigantic monster. I never fit in. No matter wat I did, I was always the baby elephant.

As a young girl, I loved to go to the park n play. I loved the swing. But I wud never dare to sit on it wen ppl were around coz they wud say that the swing wud break n at some point of time I believed them. I wud feel bad, really really bad. I wud come home n cry n cry n cry. I wud always think it was just one such day…n that the next day wud b way better...Oh Boy!!! Who was I kidding? Coming home n crying had become a ritual. My parents were always there 4 me. My mom’s words of encouragement wud make things alright but nt for long. Dads transferable job didn’t help much either. Changing skools every 2 yrs was horrifying. The last thing I needed was a new set of meanies. Wen I walk down the road n c ppl laughing, I gt the feeling that it’s me they r laughing at. They r just strangers whose opinion shudn’t matter. But I can’t help it, m sensitive. I guess fat ppl r the most sensitive ppl.

Its nt like I don have frnds. I certainly do n I have frnds better than anyone cud ever ask for. I have been blessed in that respect. But sometimes they too make fun of me. I knw they don’t do that wit the intention to hurt me. I really knw that. But they do hurt me. Wen they pass a remark, I usually laugh it off. But only I knw that even though m hurting, I choose to laugh just to spare myself the embarrassment.

Like I said as a kid I was on a crying spree. But nt anymore. Nt bcoz it doesn’t hurt anymore but bcoz m just used to it by nw. Wat the hell. Its nt such a big deal. I mean wat if ppl still call me names? Wat if they say that I m “dharti ka bojh”? Wat if I m the gal who supposedly eats food meant for 5 ppl? Wat if I m the gal who shudnt b walking on the roads coz it might cause an earthquake. Wow….thats nt a big deal at all. No one wud ever knw wat its like to live in a fat persons body until u r one. Wen ppl make u feel like every inch of ur body is food u’ve gobbled n bloated ur self, its suffocating. I workout, I eat right. Ppl who knw me well, knw wat I eat. Yea I do love chocolates n ice creams n junk food n aerated drinks. Wat the hell…everyone does. I said I like them; I don hog on them which is wat everyone assumes without reason.

Mostly I like to b by myself. I certainly hate attending marriages n family gatherings. But to be true, I m proud of the journey I have made. Ppl can say wat they want to say. I knw I m normal n I knw I m just like any other 20 yr old, who just wants to live life to the fullest. I m nt worthless n m nt here to b put down by ur comments. I have learnt that in the end, it all comes down to me. I knw m born for greater things n I m an angel at heart. I cud do any thing but I cud never hurt another soul coz I knw wat its like to b hurt over n over again. I may be a lil down rt nw but my spirit isn’t broken. I m ME n I love myself 4 wat I m. And in the end that’s all that matters….….Isn’t it???